The Centre for Democracy and Peace Building’s Fellowship Programme

for political, business and civic leaders in Northern Ireland

The Centre for Democracy and Peace Building’s Fellowship Programme

for political, business and civic leaders in Northern Ireland

Download the Fellowship Programme brochure (pdf, 11 mb)

An opportunity to reimagine leadership

The Fellowship Programme is an independent and non-partisan executive programme for twenty-four ambitious leaders from across the political spectrum, business, and civic society in Northern Ireland. It seeks to support the peace process, foster innovation and capacity building, and encourage collaborative decision-making so that leaders across society are strengthened and equipped to navigate through complexity and deliver real change for the benefit of all.

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The Fellowship Programme team

The Fellowship Programme is delivered by the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building working with key stakeholders, policy makers, and facilitators from leading academic institutions, including the University of Oxford, with support from its advisory board.




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Application form

Applications for the 2024-25 Fellowship Programme are now closed.

Highlights from the 2023-2024 Fellowship Programme

Fellowship Launch

FinTrU Workshops

Oxford Residential

Dublin Residential

Graduation at Hillsborough Castle

Supporting the Peace Process
Strengthening Democracy
Navigating Through Complexity

Supporting the Peace Process
Strengthening Democracy
Navigating through Complexity